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Купить книгу Новогодние приключения Карандаша и Самоделкина, автора Валентина Постникова
Новогодние приключения Карандаша и Самоделкина
Студия АРДИС предлагает вашему вниманию аудиокнигу «Новогодние приключения Карандаша и Самоделкина» – детскую повесть-сказку известного писателя Валентина Постникова.
Купить книгу Чудо под Новый Год, автора Анастасии Михайловны Панченко
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Чудо под Новый Год
Эта книга была написана в предвкушении Нового Года. Мандарины, тазик оливье, гирлянда на окнах, елка. И каждый из нас ждет чудо. Спокойного или наоборот яркого – каждому свое чудо. Но в этих сказках все счастливы. Какие бы трудности не преодолевали герои сказок, они знают, что у них есть семья и прекрасное чувство праздника вне зависимости от даты на календаре.
Купить книгу Шурале, автора Габдуллы Тукай
Самая популярная сказка в стихах великого татарского поэта Габдуллы Тукая «Шурале» представлена в переводе на русский язык. Главным персонажем сказки является мифическое существо, заимствованное из татарских сказок. Книга адресуется детям дошкольного и младшего школьного возраста.
Купить книгу Татар мифлары – балаларга / Татарская мифология для детей, автора
Татар мифлары – балаларга / Татарская мифология для детей
  • Автор:

  • Жанр: Сказки

  • Дата добавления: 2019-12-17 16:00:28

Миф-әкиятләрдә сөйләнелгән Өй ияләре, Бичуралар, Убыр-Өрәкләр,Шүрәлеләр, Ялмавыз-Диюләр, Аждаһа-Юхалар кайда яши? Алар кешеләргә никадәр игелекле һәм никадәр дәрәҗәдә куркыныч? Әлеге китапны кулына алган һәр бала шушы сорауларга җавап табачак.
Купить книгу Олимпиада для Чебурашки, или Чебурашка едет в Сочи, автора Эдуарда Успенского
Олимпиада для Чебурашки, или Чебурашка едет в Сочи
Чебурашка и крокодил Гена снова отправляются в путь! На этот раз в Сочи. Они хотят посмотреть, как строители и спортсмены готовятся к Олимпиаде-2014. Но не так-то просто добраться до Сочи, если на пути, как всегда, встанет старуха Шапокляк. Впрочем, на этот раз от ее козней получилась одна польза – Гена и Чебурашка познакомились с будущими олимпийскими чемпионами и их невероятными достижениями. Итак, Чебурашка отправляется на Олимпиаду, а Олимпиада ждет Чебурашку!
Купить книгу День рождения почтальона Печкина, автора Эдуарда Успенского
День рождения почтальона Печкина
В книгу вошли сказки «День рождения почтальона Печкина», «Как Матроскин крышу красил».
Купить книгу The War at Troy, автора Lindsay  Clarke
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The War at Troy
PART TWO OF THE TROY QUARTET Bringing ancient myth to life with passion, humour, and humanity, Lindsay Clarke vividly retells the story of Troy and of the heroes who fought there. Enraged by the betrayal of Helen and Paris, Menelaus and his brother, the High King Agamemnon, gather their allies and set out to conquer the city of Troy. Aboard their ships and behind the city’s walls are figures whose names and deeds echo through history – the wily strategist Odysseus, the Trojan champion Hector, and the fiercely proud, impetuous warrior Achilles. ‘An engaging retelling of the whole story, neatly blending mythic archaism with modern psychodrama and satire’ Mary Beard 1 – A PRINCE OF TROY2 – THE WAR AT TROY3 – THE SPOILS OF TROY4 – THE RETURN FROM TROY
Купить книгу The Spoils of Troy, автора Lindsay  Clarke
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The Spoils of Troy
PART THREE OF THE TROY QUARTET Bringing ancient myth to life with passion, humour, and humanity, Lindsay Clarke vividly retells the story of Troy and of the heroes who fought there. Troy has fallen. After ten years of fighting and a savage final massacre, the victors quarrel over what remains and turn their minds to home. Menelaus must decide the fate of Helen, whose incomparable beauty ignited the war. And Agamemnon must return to the fury of Clytaemnestra, who has neither forgotten nor forgiven his choice to sacrifice their daughter. ‘An engaging retelling of the whole story, neatly blending mythic archaism with modern psychodrama and satire’ Mary Beard 1 – A PRINCE OF TROY2 – THE WAR AT TROY3 – THE SPOILS OF TROY4 – THE RETURN FROM TROY
Купить книгу The Return from Troy, автора Lindsay  Clarke
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The Return from Troy
PART FOUR OF THE TROY QUARTET Bringing ancient myth to life with passion, humour, and humanity, Lindsay Clarke vividly retells the story of Troy and of the heroes who fought there. Traumatized by the slaughter that his ingenuity unleashed upon the people of Troy, Odysseus believes himself unworthy of returning home. Embarking on an epic journey to the ends of the world and deep into the shadows of his own heart, Odysseus turns at last for Ithaca, where his wife and son await, besieged by rivals who believe – and wish – him dead. ‘An engaging retelling of the whole story, neatly blending mythic archaism with modern psychodrama and satire’ Mary Beard 1 – A PRINCE OF TROY2 – THE WAR AT TROY3 – THE SPOILS OF TROY4 – THE RETURN FROM TROY
Купить книгу The House of Sacrifice, автора
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The House of Sacrifice
A powerhouse grimdark fantasy of bloodshed, ambition, and fate, The House of Sacrifice is the thunderous conclusion to Anna Smith Spark's Empires of Dust trilogy, which began with The Court of Broken Knives. Hail Him. Behold Him. Man-killer, life-stealer, death-bringer, life’s thief. All are bound to Him,His word is law. The night coming, the sudden light that makes the eyes blind,Golden one, shining, glorious. Life’s judgement, life’s pleasure, hope’s grave. Marith Altrersyr has won. He cut a path of blood and vengeance and needless violence around the world and now he rules. It is time for Marith to put down his sword, to send home his armies, to grow a beard and become fat. It is time to look to his own house, and to produce an heir. The King of Death must now learn to live. But some things cannot be learnt. The spoils of war turn to ash in the mouths of the Amrath Army and soon they are on the move again. But Marith, lord of lies, dragon-killer, father-killer, has begun to falter and his mind decays. How long can a warlord rotting from within continue to win? As the Army marches on to Sorlost, Thalia’s thoughts turn to home and to the future: a life grows inside her and it is a precious thing – but it grows weak. Why must the sins of the father curse the child? A glorious, ambitious and bloodily brilliant conclusion that threads together a masterful tapestry of language and story, and holding up a piercing reflection on epic fantasy – and those who love it.
Купить книгу A Prince of Troy, автора Lindsay  Clarke
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A Prince of Troy
PART ONE OF THE TROY QUARTET Bringing ancient myth to life with passion, humour, and humanity, Lindsay Clarke vividly retells the story of Troy and of the heroes who fought there. When the mortal Paris settles a contest between the gods, he is promised the love of Helen, the most beautiful woman in the world. But Helen is already married, to the powerful Menelaus of Sparta, and the kings of many cities have sworn to defend their union. Paris’s divine gift threatens to set his world aflame. ‘An engaging retelling of the whole story, neatly blending mythic archaism with modern psychodrama and satire’ Mary Beard 1 – A PRINCE OF TROY2 – THE WAR AT TROY3 – THE SPOILS OF TROY4 – THE RETURN FROM TROY
Купить книгу Fabulous, автора Lucy  Hughes-Hallett
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Not since Angela Carter’s The Bloody Chamber have old stories been made to feel so electrically new. Not since Wim Winders’ Wings of Desire have the numinous and the everyday been so magically combined. It's in the nature of myth to be infinitely adaptable. Each of these startlingly original stories is set in modern Britain. Their characters include a people-trafficking gang-master and a prostitute, a migrant worker and a cocksure estate agent, an elderly musician doubly befuddled by dementia and the death of his wife, a pest-controller suspected of paedophilia and a librarian so well-behaved that her parents wonder anxiously whether she’ll ever find love. They’re ordinary people, preoccupied, as we all are now, by the deficiencies of the health service, by criminal gangs and homelessness, by the pitfalls of dating in the age of #metoo. All of their stories, though, are inspired by ones drawn from Graeco-Roman myth, from the Bible or from folk-lore. The ancients invented myths to express what they didn’t understand. These witty fables, elegantly written and full of sharp-eyed observation of modern life, are also visionary explorations of potent mysteries and strange passions, charged with the hallucinatory beauty and horror of their originals.