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Купить книгу Managing Anger: Simple Steps to Dealing with Frustration and Threat, автора Gael  Lindenfield
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Managing Anger: Simple Steps to Dealing with Frustration and Threat
Купить книгу Cancer is a Word, Not a Sentence, автора
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Cancer is a Word, Not a Sentence
A six-step, practical guide that helps you through the first few weeks following diagnosis.Cancer is a Word, Not a Sentence is a straightforward guide to life after diagnosis. It explains what your diagnosis actually means, what the tests are about, what the future holds, how to judge the treatment options open to you, how to cope with the side effects, and the inevitable ups and downs you experience following treatment.Dr Buckman focuses on the day-to-day: how to talk to your partner, children and friends, and how to communicate with your medical team. There's even a section addressed to those close to you who 'just don't know what to say.' His informed, no-nonsense approach offers reliable and essential facts and advice for everyone dealing with a diagnosis of cancer.
Купить книгу Virusphere: What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger, автора Frank  Ryan
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Virusphere: What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger
A fascinating and long overdue examination of viruses – from what they are and what they do, to the vital role they have played in human history.What are viruses? Do they rely on genes, like all other forms of life? Do they follow the same patterns of evolution as plants and animals?Frank Ryan answers these questions and many more in a sweeping tour of illnesses caused by viruses. For example, the common cold, measles, chicken pox, herpes and mumps, rubella, as well as less familiar examples, such as rabies, ‘breakbone’ fever, haemorrhagic fevers like Ebola, and virus-induced cancers. Along the way, readers will learn about the behaviours and ultimate goals of viruses, gaining a deeper understanding of their importance in relation to the origins and the evolution of life, as well as they ways viruses have changed us at the most intimate level, to help make us quintessentially human.
Купить книгу How to Build a Human: Adventures in How We Are Made and Who We Are, автора Philip  Ball
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How to Build a Human: Adventures in How We Are Made and Who We Are
A cutting-edge examination of what it means to be human and to have a 'self' in the face of new scientific developments in cloning, gene-splicing and neural downloading.After seeing his own cells used to grow clumps of new neurons – essentially mini-brains – Philip Ball begins to examine the concepts of identity and consciousness. Delving into humanity's deep evolutionary past to look at how complex creatures like us emerged from single-celled life, he offers a new perspective on how humans think about ourselves. In an age when we are increasingly encouraged to regard the 'self' as an abstract sequence of genetic information, or as a pattern of neural activity that might be 'downloaded' to a computer, I return us to the body – to flesh and blood – and anchor a conception of personhood in this unique and ephemeral mortal coil. How to Build a Human brings us back to ourselves – but in doing so, it challenges old preconceptions and values. It asks us to rethink how we exist in the world.
Купить книгу Breasts: An Owner’s Manual: Every Woman’s Guide to Reducing Cancer Risk, Making Treatment Choices and Optimising Outcomes, автора Kristi  Funk
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Breasts: An Owner’s Manual: Every Woman’s Guide to Reducing Cancer Risk, Making Treatment Choices and Optimising Outcomes
A revolutionary and definitive new approach to preventing breast cancer, from Board-certified world authority on breast health Dr. Kristi Funk, co-founder of the renowned Pink Lotus Breast Centre, and surgeon to Angelina Jolie and Sheryl Crow.Breasts: An Owner’s Manual is a straight-talking, myth and misconception-busting, strategy-filled guide to breast health. Sharing the latest on lifestyle choices that impact your risk factor including food, supplements, hormones and exercise, Dr. Funk demonstrates that you are so much more in control of whether or not you get breast cancer than you could ever dare to think.In fact, unless you carry a genetic mutation associated with breast cancer, the choices you make in your-day-to-day life trumps genetics and family history when it comes to breast cancer risk, every time.Including a unique long-term risk reduction plan for every woman based on her needs, as well as the latest on diagnosis and treatment for women living with and surviving breast cancer, and with a heartfelt Foreword from longtime patient Sheryl Crow, this is a book with a life-saving message for the 1 in 8 women, at the time of writing, who are set to be diagnosed in their lifetime.
Купить книгу Mind Time: How ten mindful minutes can enhance your work, health and happiness, автора
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Mind Time: How ten mindful minutes can enhance your work, health and happiness
IT TAKES JUST TEN MINUTES a day train your mind – you will feel more awake, more alive and more creative. Using these carefully researched exercises you can increase your attention span, realise your potential and use your mind to its full capacity. Yes, just ten…short … minutes.Nearly half of our waking hours are spent thinking about something other than what we are doing. We are only aware of a tiny fraction of what we are thinking, feeling and sensing – so we’re barely conscious of how and why we behave the way we do. This book sets out to help you get your mind out of automatic more often.The human mind is an extraordinary thing. It determines the way we experience and respond to whatever life throws at us. Yet most of us live as though we have no control over our minds. This is simply not true. If we want to change our lives in any way, the most effective way to do that is to change the way our mind is shaped – the way in which we interpret and respond to everyday events as well as to our own thoughts and feelings.Mind Time contains simple, clear exercises that take only ten minutes per day and our research tells us that if you do these exercises, your life will change. The exercises build three core capacities – curiosity, self-awareness and acceptance. If you do them, and build these capacities, you will become less reactive and more responsive. This will lead to positive benefits in several key areas: your relationships, your ability to deal with unexpected events and your capacity to stay purposeful and to see your life as a matter of choices rather than seemingly impossible challenges.Just set aside ten minutes each day to engage in a few simple practices, then after a short while you will start to see a transformation for the better. That’s our promise to you. Isn’t it time we learned to shape our minds – not be shaped by them?
Купить книгу Антирак. Новий спосіб життя, автора Давида Сервана-Шрейбера
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Антирак. Новий спосіб життя
Коли лікарю Девіду Сервану-Шрайберу було тридцять, у нього діагностували рідкісну й небезпечну форму раку – гліобластому головного мозку. Але Девід не дозволив хворобі знищити себе і обрав життя. Протягом п’ятнадцяти років він досліджував онкологію, вивчав, аналізував та втілював на практиці методи профілактики та лікування раку. Автор просто й доступно розповідає про природні механізми захисту від онкологічних хвороб. Чи можна попередити рак і не допустити зростання ракових клітин? Що робити, коли захворювання вже виявлено? Чи можна й далі жити повноцінним життям? Як захистити себе та близьких? Як не дозволити захворюванню прогресувати?
Купить книгу Обучение с пеленок. Развитие ребенка от рождения до года, автора Олеси Жуковой
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Обучение с пеленок. Развитие ребенка от рождения до года
В этой книге вы найдете информацию, необходимую каждой маме в первый год после рождения ребенка. Как научиться понимать своего малыша, как определить уровень его развития и возможные отклонения от норы, на что нужно обратить самое пристальное внимание, а чего не следует бояться, как проверить слух и зрение ребенка, как стимулировать его развитие, как правильно делать массаж и гимнастику? На эти и многие другие вопросы вы найдете ответы в книге «Обучение с пеленок. Развитие ребенка от рождения до года».
Купить книгу Советы врача общей практики, автора Петра Фадеева
Советы врача общей практики
Правила безопасности на улице. Повреждение мениска. Профилактика плоскостопия. О пользе гиалуроновой кислоты.
Купить книгу Главные тенденции в косметологии и правильный уход за кожей весной, автора Петра Фадеева
Главные тенденции в косметологии и правильный уход за кожей весной
О том, какие процедуры необходимы для проблемной кожи. Почти все дерматологические заболевания не подлежат излечению. Все, что мы можем сделать, это привести заболевание к стойкой ремиссии. О лекарственных препаратах и их воздействии на кожу. О воздействии солнца и о вреде автозагара. Ответы на вопросы радиослушателей.
Купить книгу Прием ведет врач-педиатр. Отдых с маленьким ребенком, автора Петра Фадеева
Прием ведет врач-педиатр. Отдых с маленьким ребенком
Лето – пора отпусков, все планируют отдых, даже с грудничками выезжают родители. С какого возраста брать детей для перелетов другие страны? Как собрать малыша в дорогу? Что взять в аптечку? Какую страну лучше выбрать для родителей с грудничком? Как уберечь ребенка от ротовирусной инфекции? Можно ли загорать при псориазе? Куда поехать отдыхать с ребенком с аутоиммунным заболеванием? На эти и другие вопросы ответил врач аллерголог-иммунолог, педиатр Алексей Бессмертный.
Купить книгу Врач-отоларинголог, автора Петра Фадеева
На первый взгляд ринит кажется чем-то совершенно безобидным, однако, не стоит заблуждаться, ведь даже простой простудный насморк может спровоцировать развитие серьезных осложнений.